Saturday 17 November 2012

The Making of Purple Rat

Hey Folks!

Please help me Welcome our FIRST EVER Food Blog! 

Why Food Blogging?
For the reason that we love to EAT! also we take pride and enjoyment in getting a good dining experience. Exploring all types of food is something that everybody would enjoy, but with Purple Rat is not just tasting everything but also sharing information and important facts about the food that we take.

Here in Purple Rat we make blogging a bit different, How? by means of utilizing more MEDIA which means more PICTURES and VIDEOS. As they say Pictures and Videos can provide a lot of details even for a kid. Sharing amazing pictures and funny videos will definitely make you want to read more.


Don Wacky
A person who loves to eat "obviously". Wacky started on the blogging industry 5 years ago with his dating blog Hot Playground. With passion in taking food pictures and wacky videos, Wacky now ventures into food blogging bringing out the fun of eating. Certified Milk Tea Hunter and a Food Critic. Wacky has always been an adventurer into trying all types of food in different establishments, restaurants, fast food chains and side walk food stalls. Graphic and Web Designer, Blogger, Article Writer, Computer Games Enthusiast, Online Junkie, Amateur Photographer and a Frustrated Singer. Wacky will bring the meaning of fun on the food world.   

A certified foodie was introduced to the kitchen at a young age. Able to manage the household kitchen at the age of 9. She took HRM and worked in different restaurants in the Metro. After quitting her regular job she ventured to freelance jobs while continuing her love for food. Though she bakes cakes and pastries for her family and friends, she doesn't have a sweet tooth! But of of course she always have a special place for chocolates.

In addition both Wacky and Hachiko will be rating the food and restaurants they will encounter on their journey and also to make the whole thing exciting they will also be posting the TOP FOOD of the month, Mr & Ms Service Crew and Best Customer of the Month.

Get involve and have fun with Purple Rat in exploring the Fun in Eating!

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